  • 1. 下列哪項較貼近你的性格特徵?What are your personality traits?

    2. 下列哪項較貼近你的性格特徵?What are your personality traits?

    3. 下列哪項較貼近你的性格特徵?What are your personality traits?

    4. 下列哪項較貼近你的性格特徵?What are your personality traits?

    將此句子按從 1(非常不同意)到 5(非常同意)的等級進行評分 Rate this statement on scale from 1 (not true at all) to 5 (very true)
    5. 我將挑戰解釋為機遇。I interpret challenges as positive opportunities.

    6. 我對自己的能力有不可動搖的信心。I have an unshakeable confidence in my ability.

    7. 我有突出的個人特質使我與其他競爭對手區分開來。I have qualities that set me apart from other competitors.

    8. 我有能力在壓力下維持良好表現。I have what it takes to perform well under pressure.

    9. 在壓力下,我能夠充滿信心和清晰地做出決定。Under pressure, I am able to make decisions with confidence and commitment.

    10. 如果突然變得慌亂,我也可以很快恢復鎮定。I can regain my composure if I have momentarily lost it.

    11. 運動時,我大多數感到自己充滿活力。When participating in sport I feel energy and spirit.

    12. 運動時,我總是全心的投入。When participating in sport I always fully dedicated to the game.

    13. 我享受個人運動多於團體運動。I enjoy participating in sports by myself over team sports.

    14. 我喜歡在運動時播放音樂。I love to play music when participating in sport.

    15. 我喜歡嘗試不同類型的運動。I love to try on different sports.

    16. 我參加體育運動是因為我喜歡超越自我的感覺。I play sport because I enjoy the feeling of challenging myself.

    17. 我參加體育運動是因為我喜歡健康的感覺。I play sport because I like feeling fit and healthy.

    18. 我參加體育運動是因為它很有趣。I play sport because it’s fun.

    19. 我參加體育運動是因為我能交到朋友。I play sport because I like the social aspect.

    20. 參加體育比賽時,我會為自己定立目標。When participating in sport I will set targets for myself.

    電郵地址 Email Address: 相同的電子信箱,只能填寫一次。
    *本人同意提供電郵地址參與「我問你測!看出你的潛在特質與跳繩才能」測驗贈品領取活動,並作中國香港跳繩總會通訊之用途。I agree to provide email address to join “Which kind of rope skipping suits your personality?” souvenir activity and agree to receive information from Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association.
    **贈品數量有限,送完即止! Limited quantity, First-come, first-served!

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